Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Refreshing strawberry milk!

A couple of weeks ago, my girlies went out to lunch with some family members while I was hanging with friends.  My sweet Punky ordered chocolate milk—and then everyone remembered that cow's milk was a no-no.  Yes, I said that I would let my kids eat/drink what they wanted, but what I didn't disclose is that Punky hasn't really tolerated straight dairy since she was a tiny Punky.  Everybody knew that the chocolate milk might make her feel yucky, so they intervened.  She was NOT happy.  Poor girl didn't understand why her cousin could have the milk and she couldn't.  At home she drinks chocolate milk, why not at the restaurant?  Later that afternoon, my mom called to tell me what happened and asked that I please make Punky some special milk that night.  I didn't have any chocolate milk, but I had fresh strawberries, so we improvised.

almond milk (or soy, if that's your thing)
fresh strawberries (greens & all)
1/2 tsp vanilla

Place all ingredients in a blender, liquify.  Pour into a "fancy" jar and add a straw.  Everything tastes better through a straw.

Bonus points for using fresh strawberries!  Double bonus for keeping the greens on (they can't taste the greens but they can use the vitamins)!!

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