Monday, September 2, 2013

Product Review: Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Brownie Mix

Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free (and vegan!) Brownies
(Paper plate dress up idea courtesy of Pinterest)
Belle was invited to a friend's house over the weekend for a small gathering.  She asked me if there would be food: yes.  Then she asked how she would know what was okay for her to eat.  I gave her what I assume will become my standard reply: Eat what you are comfortable eating.  Eat what you want to eat.  Do not make a big deal out of it.  If you want to eat something that is not vegan, eat it.  Nobody is going to give you a hard time, nobody is going to judge you, nobody is going to say you're not doing a good job.  You're nine years old.  Enjoy life.  Period.

And then the question I actually had prepared for: Can I take something to share that is vegan?

But, of course!  I had planned for this, but not entirely.  It was a project filled weekend for me, so I decided to grab a pre-packaged mix for brownies while I was picking up other groceries.  I had a sneaking suspicion that my girlie was going to want to take a snack to share.  She was excited to hear that she was taking a family favorite, but I think she was a little leery when I pulled out the ingredients.

Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free Brownie Mix calls for butter & eggs.  Instead, I used Earth Balance Vegan Buttery Spread and applesauce.  Yum!  I love applesauce as a substitute for eggs in sweet recipes like brownies, muffins, cupcakes, etc.  It really helps keep the final product moist and delicious.  (Next time I'm going to use coconut oil in place of the buttery spread.  Doesn't that sound delicious?!)

One line reviews for the brownie mix:

Sunshine (13):  They are very moist and chocolatey.  Very delicious!

Belle (9):  Sticky, milk chocolatey, delicious!

Punky (3):  I think they are yummy and juicy!  (Me: Juicy?! o.O)

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